Santa’s helpers are 15 hours away. How are we choosing to show up when Santa arrives this year?

Helping our kiddos frame their experience around the holidays creates resilience and fosters healthy independence. It took some reflection for me to get there!

Here’s what I mean. This year has been especially hard not seeing their cousins. Realizing my own lens, and how easy it would be to project my sadness onto them was important for me, their holiday season and years to come. Instead of telling them “I’m sad and I wish they were here,” I encourage their ability to find happiness despite the pandemic. I encourage them to find joy in the situation and give them space as needed.

Framing a child’s holiday based on your words, feelings, and experiences is also vital. Words such as – I wish I could have, I hope you like it, if only – are words you may find yourself saying this holiday season. Choose to frame your words with love, gratitude, and joy – I am glad I can spend the holiday with you – such words will forever be etched in their memories.

Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.

Melody Beattie

Happy Holidays and know that I’m rooting for you sis! 



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