How Time Blocking Saved my Life

As a busy mom, wife, entrepreneur, and professional, I have been looking for the perfect solution to help me with my daunting list of tasks.

I am sure you are familiar with the old “To-Do List.” It consists of the many things we need to do that day or that week to help us feel like we’ve reached our goals. I have found that the list is never-ending and most days, I never really accomplish ALL of the things on it. Many tasks usually go onto the next days’ list of things to do.

Living a life of Intentionality

3 Strategies to Shift Your Mindset and Find Balance

Self-care means a lot more these days than getting a manicure and pedicure. 

The need to be present with myself has garnered more attention. Present not being occupied, but being present and allowing myself to slow down by doing nothing. I’m slowly reaching 40 and the realization that I am spending less and less time alone with myself is jaw-dropping.

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