• Are you accustomed to leaving the house feeling rushed, just barely making it to work or school? 
  • Do you find yourself checking and scrolling emails and social media before you’ve gotten out of bed to brush your teeth or wash your face? 
  • Have you ever felt busy, yet felt unproductive when it was time to cross things off your to do list? 

How you start your day is everything! Mastering your Morning is about living with intention. Shifting your fixed mindset from saying “I’m not an early riser” “I can’t wake-up early everyday” to a growth mindset that says. “This will take some time and effort.  Today I can start by waking up 15 minutes earlier.” Learn how to Master your Morning to Master your Day with these 3 Intentional Wellness Strategies.


As a Coach I have worked diligently to bring you the right tools to empower you to meet your goals.
  1. Introduction to Mindfulness – being fully present in your moment with no distractions. Focusing intently on what you are sensing and feeling in the moment, without judgement. An exercise to relax the mind, body, and spirit. In just 60-seconds here is an example:  Find a comfortable seated position. Then, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Focus by counting your breaths as you inhale for 1, 2, 3, hold and exhale. Allowing yourself to notice your distractions, but release let go and maintain focus. 
  2. Introduction to Affirmations – short powerful statement, to consciously be in control of your thoughts. Affirming the belief to call the best you out into the atmosphere. Challenging your thinking by shifting your mindset fulfills the inner wealth in you to thrive. Acknowledging the intelligence, the strength, and how brave you are. The light that is within you is called forth to rise up to the challenge of the day. Acknowledging, what best affirms you?
  3. Introduction to Gratitude – being thankful and demonstrating appreciation. “Shifting our mindset and reframing our position.” When you make a conscious decision to say I am grateful for this day, a new day one I have never seen before it shows gratitude for life. Gratitude scientifically reduces our stress, improves self esteem, and opens the door to positivity. 

As a Coach I have worked diligently on bringing the right tools to empower women to be consistent and meet the 3 above strategies with grace.  I have developed The Intentional Wellness Toolkit. In the Intentional Wellness Toolkit you will find items to support mindfulness, affirm your best self and demonstrate gratitude daily.  The items support your personal well-being from the inside out; physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. It provides the perfect start to your morning.

Many people start a goal with excitement but ultimately fail without a plan.  The goal is to empower you to develop a routine, make it a habit, and ultimately an intentional way of living. I would recommend starting your plan by gathering the tools you are going to use to be intentional about your morning routine.  Take the guesswork out of finding a strategy and start by building your Intentional Wellness Toolkit today.  By downloading the Intentional Wellness Toolkit you will find the tools to utilize mindfulness, affirm your best self and demonstrate gratitude.

When you are ready here is a concise one-hour routine to Master your Morning:

  • 5:00 AM – 5:15AM – Small get moving practice – Wash your face, brush your teeth, grab a glass of water.
  • 5:15AM – 5:30AM – Set your Essential Oil Diffuser– try Balance or Lavender to start your day. Start your tea or morning coffee. Do Breath-work, Guided Meditation, Scripture Reading.
  • 5:30AM – 5:45 AM – Recite your Morning Affirmations, Prayer & or Gratitude.
  • 5:45AM – 6:00AM – Journal and Plan for the Day.

If you are just starting this practice I would recommend starting in fifteen minute increments for twenty-one days and gradually increase from there. Allow yourself to see a win and get your body used to the time difference and change before you increase.

I have learned to Master my Day by Mastering my Morning. It does not mean that my days are perfect, but when I am intentional about how I start it provides me with the greatest peace to move beyond “surviving the day.” I have coached women to now thrive and be prepared for their day mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually. I would love to hear what is in your toolkit to empower your intentionality to do the same. Hit me up on social media, comment here, and don’t forget to share with another woman who needs to Master her mornings to Master her day and live life intentionally.

I’m rooting for you,

Tessa Thompson

Free Guide

Intentional Wellness Tool Kit

A collection of items and activities that allow you to practice holistic wellness, daily. Support your personal well-being from the inside out; physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.

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